About Me

On May 22, 2021, I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke when an undiagnosed arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in the right side of my brain ruptured. At 33-years-old, I was completely paralyzed on the left side and spent about three weeks in a hospital and rehab center.

For those unfamiliar with stroke terminology, this passage from Marc Dingman’s book Your Brain, Explained provides a concise description:

“A brain hemorrhage is about as bad as it sounds. It happens when a weakened blood vessel in the brain ruptures, spilling blood into the brain tissue surrounding it. The blood accumulates outside of the blood vessel, forming a mass known as a hematoma. As the hematoma grows, it not only damages nearby neurons, but also takes up space in the skull that’s normally reserved for the brain — causing other areas of the brain to be compressed and potentially damaged as well. The risk of death or serious disability is high.”

Due to my AVM’s location in the right basal ganglia, surgery was not an option and I’ve undergone radiation treatments that will hopefully eliminate my AVM over time.

This blog is intended to share some musings on stroke recovery and highlight my experiences during the first few years of recovery and into the future.

Since my stroke, I’ve found a lot of stroke recovery content that was essentially “What happens when Grandpa has a stroke?” Well, I’m not grandpa. I’m in my early 30s and previously lived a very active lifestyle. What should I do to enhance my recovery?

My hope is that in sharing my experiences, it might be helpful to other younger stroke survivors and their friends and family who are supporting them in recovery.

Recognition For The Blog

Thank you to the Brain Injury Association of Maryland (BIAMD) for the Alicia Cignatta Spirit of Independence Award, which recognizes an individual’s contributions to improve the quality of life for those with brain injury.

Accepting the award on March 23,2023 with my sister and BIAMD Executive Director Bryan Pugh.
Accepting the award on March 23,2023 with my sister and BIAMD Executive Director Bryan Pugh. *Photo Courtesy BIAMD.
Alicia Cignatta Spirit of Independence Award
Alicia Cignatta Spirit of Independence Award