My Stroke Story

Every stroke survivor has a unique story of where they were when they had their stroke, what they were doing, how they felt, and when they received medical attention. Here’s mine:

May 22, 2021 started out like any other Saturday. After waking, I grabbed some oatmeal for breakfast and packed my things for the gym. I was out the door around 8-9 am and after a workout, I planned on heading to the beach to meet my girlfriend and two of her hometown friends who were visiting for the weekend.

However, I would never make it to the beach.

Trouble at the Gym

I arrived at the gym and went through a normal warm-up, worked through a series of deadlifts, and was feeling good, hitting the weights, sets, and reps I had planned for.

However, about midway through my workout, things started to go downhill. Going through a few sets of dumbbell rows and chest presses, I started to feel unusually tired and was sweating profusely. Like most probably would, I chalked it up to the heat and a late night the evening prior.

CT Scan image
My initial CT scan on May 22. The circle on the left indicates the bleeding area.

Sitting on a bench, I picked up a dumbbell with my right hand, placed it on my left knee, and at that moment, my left hand wouldn’t close around the weight.

Thinking it was just a momentary conundrum, I picked up the other dumbbell, kicked my knees up and rolled back on the bench to start another set. My left arm and the dumbbell I tried to carry with it went straight to the floor.

At this point, I knew something was off and I wanted to get outside for some fresh air. My vision was becoming blurry and I thought I may have put my contacts in the wrong eyes. On my way out, I tripped over my backpack, but made it to my car.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, I texted my girlfriend to let her know that I was feeling off and that she may need to come get me. In the following minutes my mood turned from you MIGHT need to come get me to you NEED to come get me NOW. I was feeling disoriented and my left side had a dull ache. I was unable to even use my left arm to lean my seat back.

The 911 Call

While waiting, I thought I could just lie down in the backseat and rest these strange feelings away. I stepped out of the car and opened the rear door on the driver’s side. However, I never got in the backseat as I collapsed to the ground. Thankfully, a group of people nearby rushed over to help. They gave me some water, helped me try to get comfortable, and called for an ambulance.

hospital patient
At the hospital hours after collapsing at the gym May 22, 2021.

There, in the parking lot of a Sunsations beach supply store, I lie face down, unsure of why I couldn’t roll over on my own.

My girlfriend and the ambulance arrived at the same time, and with that, we were off to the nearest hospital.

Needless to say, I’m grateful my story didn’t end face down in the parking lot of a discount beach outlet.