Mental Recovery After Stroke, Physical Recovery After Stroke

How to Bounce Back After Setbacks in Stroke Recovery

Setbacks are a challenging yet common aspect of recovery after stroke. The cliché “progress isn’t linear” certainly applies to recovery after stroke.

Mental Recovery After Stroke

The Benefits of Journaling in Recovery After Stroke

Why I’ve found keeping a post-stroke journal to be an incredibly valuable resource as I’ve navigated the ups and downs associated with life after stroke.

Mental Recovery After Stroke, Physical Recovery After Stroke

The Power of Mental Practice in Stroke Recovery

Mental practice is not going to provide dramatic overnight improvements, but with repeated practice, it has the potential to be an effective complement to physical therapy in gradually improving physical performance.

Mental Recovery After Stroke

Navigating the Emotional Challenges After Stroke

Once I returned home and my physical abilities did not come back as quickly as I wished them to, the mental and emotional side of recovery proved to be a more significant challenge than any physical exercise.

Mental Recovery After Stroke, Physical Recovery After Stroke

10 Ideas to Sleep Better After Stroke

The practical lifestyle changes and supplements that helped me overcome sleep troubles after stroke.